3 Simple Tips for Protecting Your Oral Health on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is in just a few days! In the midst of your meal planning and finalizing family arrivals, you may not be thinking about the health of your teeth. However, now more than ever, you need to think of ways you should be protecting your oral health this time of year. Many people neglect regular dental care habits due to stress or simply not having the time. 

That’s why we wanted to focus on simple ways you can embrace good oral care habits:

  • Keep Your Oral Care Supplies Handy

Think about where you are most of the time during the day. Whether it’s at your desk at work, in your home, or simply on the go during the day, keep your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss handy. Packing everything you need to clean your smile will help you keep your mouth fresh when you need to most. Even a midday tooth brushing is better than not brushing at all.

  • Careful With Turkey Bones

Many of you are cooking turkey this Thanksgiving. However, with that comes the risk of chomping into a turkey bone. So, be cautious while you chew into your favorite part of the turkey. Don’t bite too hard. Otherwise, you could easily crack or chip a tooth.

  • Wear a Mouthguard If You Play Sports

Does your family play sports after your turkey dinner? While it may sound like innocent fun, an accident can happen even in the most playful games. Take precautions and avoid a dental emergency by wearing a mouthguard. If you haven’t had one made before, we can create a customized one, so you can protect your smile with a more durable and long-lasting solution.

Call Bridgetown Dental today at 503-809-4742 for an appointment in Portland, OR. You can also online.